Synergies in Sustainability

Energy companies also have an expansive physical footprint that basically covers a global operation, thus the potential for physical attack at any point of vulnerability at any point in time cannot be easily written off.

Synergies in Sustainability

Energy companies also have an expansive physical footprint that basically covers a global operation, thus the potential for physical attack at any point of vulnerability at any point in time cannot be easily written off.

Synergies in Sustainability

Energy companies also have an expansive physical footprint that basically covers a global operation, thus the potential for physical attack at any point of vulnerability at any point in time cannot be easily written off.

Synergies in Sustainability

Energy companies also have an expansive physical footprint that basically covers a global operation, thus the potential for physical attack at any point of vulnerability at any point in time cannot be easily written off.

Synergies in Sustainability

Energy companies also have an expansive physical footprint that basically covers a global operation, thus the potential for physical attack at any point of vulnerability at any point in time cannot be easily written off.

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Intuitive Synergies Pte Ltd

Global multi-national corporate entities dealing in energy, electric-power and gas companies are increasing vulnerable to cyber and physical attacks, due to a number of factors. However, at Intuitive Synergies, we provide a structured approach that applies communication, organizational, and process frameworks that will significantly reduce cyber and related risks to our clients.

Our professional observation is that the energy sector is highly vulnerable to contemporary cyberthreats, mainly from nation state- seeking to cause security and economic manipulation; hackers and cybercriminals who understand the economic value represented by stealing into this sector; and political activists who seek to register political positions and opposition towards these entities and to promote their own agenda.

Energy companies also have an expansive physical footprint that basically covers a global operation, thus the potential for physical attack at any point of vulnerability at any point in time cannot be easily written off.

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what we provide


We are also fully-positioned to manage their activities to minimise the risk of pollution and contamination. We will also monitor and calibrate performance, using appropriate metrics and key performance indicators, on a regular basis to ascertain targets are met and commitments honoured.